Saturday, June 2, 2007


Biking above the Okanagan valley, with Kelowna below (we took the loooong route there...but ended up getting a great view).
One province down, baby! (Check out Brad's height on that jump!)
Lake Louise was still partially frozen when we visited it on May 28th after crossing the Continental Divide.
Rob biking the Bow Valley Trail, from Lake Louise to Canmore, May 29th.
Meghan swinging over the Bow valley on a giant swing hidden in the forest.
The sheer bliss of the mountains...

The grizzly that spent some time outside our campite in Lake Louise. An electric fence seen in the foreground is the only thing that kept us safe.

Elk seen on the Bow Valley Trail, where wildlife sightings are frequent.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, congratulations on crossing your first province! only nine more to go and all downhill! great blog, great pix, keep 'em coming

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooooooo doooogggggie!!

romeo bruni

Anonymous said...

One down! Nice job Meg and Rob.

Love the pics! Keep on postin' them.

Quick update -
The interns are ready to go and will be flying out June 21st and 22nd - Adrian, Adrianne and Hasnat are headed to Kenya, the other 3 to Zambia. They'll bring back updates and pics of the kids in Kenya - we can share the info with your donors / bloggers/ friends you make across Canada (get their emails addys)!

Glad you have the blog going - it's almost like being there, well not really, but I'll take whatever I can get of this adventure.
